4th Grade Social Studies- Regions of the United States

Let's Get Started:
Reminder: All assignments for the week are due before the last bell rings on Friday!

Week One: 

    Task 1:    You will be put into groups of 5 and given a region to study. Each person will be randomly selected to have a job as the group leader, secondary group leader, reporter, time manager,  or secretary. See 
Job Discriptions to learn about your responsibilities.

Task 2: You will need to complete the first research
assignment as a group. 

(Hint: You may want to break up the questions so you are using your time wisely.)

    Task 3: Individually read the Copyright and Creative Commons License information

Week Two:

    Task 1:
You will need to complete the second research assignment as a group.

(Hint: You may want to break up the questions so you are using your time wisely.)

    Task 2: Take the Copyright and Plagarism Quiz

    Task 3: Print out ONE handout of the open content student handout for your group to use as a reference.

    Task 4: Read information about digital storytelling in the assignment section 

Week Three:

    Task 1: You will need to complete the third research assignment as a group.

(Hint: You may want to break up the questions so you are using your time wisely.)

    Task 2: Be sure that all of your research is ready so you can start collecting the pictures you need for your storytelling assignment

    Task 3: Collect pictures that link to your first research assignment questions.

Week Four:

Task 1:
Please view the the Storyboard created by 4th graders: School Train (look below week 7 to view the movie)

    Task 2: Collect pictures that link to your second research assignment question, remember that you need to site your picture sources!

    Task 3: Re-read over the digital storytelling telling from Week 2 Assignments

Week Five:

    Task 1: Collect pictures that link to your third research assignment question, don't forget, make sure you are following the creative commons license!

    Task 2: Discuss as a team how you are going to put together all of your information so to create an educational digital storytelling about your region. 

    Task 3: Plan out your digital storyboard. Remember  you need to:
  • tell complete story;
  • use images, music, and narration;
  • follow copyright law/creative commons licenses; and,
  • be saved in some movie format [e.g. mov, avi, wmv, mpg, etc.].

Do you still need more help? The following adobe file is an easy to follow tutorial: Learning Workshop

Week Six and Seven:

Task 1: Put together your digital storyboard. You have the remainder of the week to finish your project

Week Eight:

Task 1:
Your complete digital project, logs and quizzes are all due on Friday. 

Task 2:
Please take some time to view the "take a break" section at this time if you are finished.